I used to be proud of being a perfectionist, but I don’t wanna do it anymore.
Perfectionism hides fear, for me it was a fear of being rejected or abandoned…again.
But I’ve decided that I want a divorce from it. Perfection can go to hell, and I can go to heaven where I belong. 😇
We just don’t fit into each other’s lives anymore, and I’m soooo happy without it.
So what if I’m not perfect?
So what if I make mistakes?
So what if I’m not always immaculate?
I am God’s child and he loves me no matter what! That means I don’t have to be chasing perfection, I can just be me 😊
So today I’m setting myself free from wanting to be this or that, and loving myself just as I am today.
Because Jesus chose me, I AM ENOUGH.
This Post Has 2 Comments
Darling Metiya. This is amazing. we can’t be slaves to perfection or anything that enslaves us. We need to break free. Thank you.
Thank you so much, love you! x