
Finding Joy in 2020

2020 will be unforgettable anyway. But I wanted to mark this year on a special day of my life to always remember that God can make light of even the darkest situations…

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Overcoming Obstacles

More often than not, when we focus on a specific or particular goal, it hinders us from noticing the many other blessings in our life…

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You Got This! (Life and the rest…)

I know what life is like, and how quick it is to TRY and steal your joy! But I just want to give you three reasons why it ain’t gonna bring you down friend, You got this!

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Coming Home

I’ve been talking about creating a store on the site for some of my African-print chitenge designs and it’s finally here! Introducing KWIMBO

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Discover your gifts

I set about finding my gifts, what was I naturally good at? How could I develop it and how could I use my gifts to find a fulfilling career? Here are five things I find useful in helping me identify my God-given gifts.

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Five Steps to a Happier Life

Just like Bradford, this post is about looking past the multiple layers of perception and finding true happiness within. The truth is we live in an imperfect world and it’s up to us to create our own happiness. Here are five things that are helping me along that journey…

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I believe we are all born knowing exactly what we want. But as we get older, we get more conditioned to be like everyone else. How much of ourselves do we let go to ‘fit’ into…

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Have you considered that who you are now, your desires, your dreams and wishes are linked to your purpose on earth? What would happen if you started to recognise and acknowledge those gifts as your unique guide map to life?

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Highlight of The Year

2017 has been a roller coaster of a year for me. I travelled a lot, I lost my beloved grandmother. I found myself at home in Zambia. But I also survived a hurricane, and that became my highlight…

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