Hi dearies, hope you are well and enjoying the lovely summer weather! If it’s not summer where you are, I hope you are enjoying life regardless 🙂 I’m so excited to bring you my next guest, who so happens to be the world’s best close-up magician. I met Michael on a networking course hosted by my workplace and I was immediately fascinated by his magical genius but more so on what he had to say. His perspective of life and purpose is a gift that I’m very blessed to have experienced and so very honored that he has given me the chance to share with you all here. I’ve split this into two parts as I don’t want you to miss on the gems being shared here.
1.Tell us about you
My name is Michael Vincent I am 55 years old and my parents are both from St.Lucia
2. Tell us about what you do
My career started as a Professional Magician. I was entertaining at Corporate Events throughout the 1990s, Private Parties and the odd appearance on Television.
I consider this my generic period doing what I thought I should be doing in show business. It worked, it was fun but eventually after ten years, I got bored and felt, is this all there is to my life?
By the time 2000 came upon us, I was beyond disillusioned and frustrated at the Groundhog Day experience of my career so I started teaching magic to students.
This was a breath of fresh air because I was focused on making a difference as opposed to being self-absorbed about my own interest.
I started presenting lectures on magic and psychology to various groups around the country and this gave me even more enthusiasm for my craft because I was now focused on discussing concepts around presentation skills, communication, rapport dynamics and personal development.
This was an interesting period for me because my career was no longer about entertainment; it became more about communication and self-expression. By 2010, I had hit a groove and began to explore deeper the world of human potential – I enrolled onto The Landmark Forum. I loved this education so much; I stayed in this environment for the next six years. This was a life transforming process. During this time, I created my Academy.
The Vincent Academy is my training and development company that specializes in coaching, training, development, live seminars and inspirational speeches.

3. What sets your soul on fire aka what do you love to do?
I am very passionate about making a difference to the quality of life for others. Inside of this context, I have developed skills in presenting magic and my core ability is to communicate.
What sets my soul on fire is having ideas and immediately creating possibilities to bring these ideas into fruition. For example, I had the idea to write a book, I didn’t know if there would be any interest for it. I did a little market testing on Instagram. To my great surprise, there was a reasonable level of interest, which inspired me to start writing. The book was written on my iPhone during my downtime.
The completed text was uploaded to my computer and fine-tuned and edited. This is an example of my creative muse pushing me to complete a project. As I type this, the book is being printed and has already paid for itself.
I am now in profit zone.
This inspires me because there is a creative energy in the universe that supports all of our desires.
When an idea pops into my mind and my heart feels warm about it, this tells me that God, the universe, the living force whatever deity you choose to believe in, is telling me /us that I am the one to bring this project to life.
This has my name on it and the rewards will be all mine. It’s not about the material gain, it’s about being used for something greater than myself. The final outcome is an expression of the creative energy of life at work.
When my book arrives in the hands of the people who purchased it, they will feel as I felt during the creative process
4. What inspired you to do what you do?
I was inspired by the magicians I saw on television as a boy. I knew this was what I wanted to do. I was not entertaining thoughts of being professional, I just love the subject matter. As I look back on my life I can see that the craft of magic has become be the foundation for my career.
This foundation is now rock solid – I am building my enterprise – My enterprise is all based around communication, self-expression and supporting others to discover their voice and natural expression in the world.
I can see how my life and all the events that have shown up have shaped me and inspired the work that I now do.
Thank you Michael for being so forthcoming and sharing so many gems with us. I always learn so much when I hear you speak. For more on Michael please see below sites:
Michael Vincent Magic | The Vincent Academy | The London Card Expert | Michael Vincent Image Creation | Instagram:
@michaelvincentmagic and @fujiwarrior
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