I've learnt that the biggest hindrance to achieving our dreams, is the fear of dreaming itself. I hope my guests can inspire us to...

Hi friends,

Greetings to you. It’s just over three months since I last wrote about Courage. Today I write to you from the other side of Courage, the result of what happens when you take the leap of faith and dare to step into the unknown with no assurance of the outcome. Having taken time to go through that valley and come out the other side. My perspective has changed, so please allow me to reintroduce myself and my service to you.

The biggest fear for me when taking the leap of faith was losing myself in the process, which I think is a fear we all share when it comes to stepping into the unknown. But now that I have been through it, I realise that we don’t lose ourselves in the process of stepping into the unknown, we actually FIND our true selves when we strip away the comforts of familiarity and monotonous routine. And one thing the whole experience has reminded me of is that life is short. We can’t spend it afraid of rejection or failure. You must go for what truly sets your soul on fire, gets your heart and mind racing, and is aligned with your purpose for being.

Of course when it comes to purpose, many of us are still trying to figure out exactly what God put us on this earth to do. Stepping out of my comfort zone and trying different things has been great for me in this sense, it’s true that the more you know, the more you realise what you don’t know. And that’s why even just trying to go for your dreams is never a waste of time – you always learn something.

So in the name of finding purpose and making the most of our gifts/talents with the little time we have on earth, I would like to introduce a new series for the blog: Metiya’s Chique Friends. Each week I’ll be sharing with you someone I know from a different career path to mine ranging from Stylists to Doctors to Models and many more. I’ll be asking each of them how they got to where they are now as well as any advice (almost as role models) for those wishing to pursue a similar path.

I’ve learnt that the biggest hindrance to achieving our dreams, is the fear of dreaming itself. I hope my guests can inspire us to see how everything is possible regardless of your background, gender, age or status. I know that seeing more black women or BAME leaders filling different spaces in society would have helped me a great deal in expanding the possibilities for my life. I just want us to remember how special we are and that ultimately No one is you and that is your power. Please tune in next weekend when I post my first guest on the blog!

If I haven’t reached out to you about this and you would like to be featured as a Guest blogger then please email me at

Love and Light x Metiya

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chibunna Ogbonna

    The future belongs to the risk taker. The one who dares to be different, who neglects the norm and pursues the realization of his or her dreams. Thank you Metiya.

    1. Metiyachique

      Wow! Hey Chibunna, thanks so much for this powerful statement! Itā€™s not easy to live out but youā€™re absolutely right! šŸ˜„ thanks for sharing!

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