To measure your value or judge your journey by comparing it to the person next to you is detrimental for your self-worth. We are all in this life journey together, and being able to respect someone else's path without comparing it to your own is one of the biggest self-developments we can make.

ā€œNo one is ready for a thing, until he believes he can acquire itā€





img_6953My wonderful mother stepped into this one with me <3

https://www.hairbro.co.ukDress: Tailor made, Zambia | Heels: Pretty Little Thing | Hair Wigs: High bun smoothed with Eco Styler Gel

This week I had a wonderful reminder about purpose. I have always believed that we all have a purpose to fulfil on this earth and that every life exists for a reason. Growing up, I was that person who didn’t really know what they wanted to do. There were things I really enjoyed, but I was not sure as to how they would give me fulfilment. It took me a long time to learn about myself and really appreciate my own perspective, personality and traits.

In finding my unique purpose, I had to break down so many factors that had contributed to my self-perception. One of the biggest factors was what others thought of me. The worst thing I have found to hinder growth and fog our inner vision is comparison. To measure your value or judge your journey by comparing it to the person next to you is detrimental for your self-worth. We are all in this life journey together, and being able to respect someone else’s path without comparing it to your own is one of the biggest self-developments we can make.

As women we are always being pitted against one another – who has the better body, bigger bum, nicer clothes, richest partner, largest number of followers *rolls eyes* All these things do not really even contribute to our growth as people, as humans or as a species. Once you are okay with you, none of it will even matter. I am glad that in times of peril and confusion, I have learnt to quiet myself and look inwards for direction. We focus so much on the outside that we miss the power that comes from spending time with oneself, learning, reflecting and growing. There were times when I got so off path that I couldn’t even explain to someone what I was doing with my life, but one thing that helped me through it was having a VISION. I know the kind of woman I would like to be, the woman I look up to and respect and I am so grateful to be reminded of that woman everyday through my wonderful mother (pictured above!)

So in everything that you are doing, no matter how small or irrelevant it might seem, visualise the person you want to be in 10years and think about how what you are doing now (that nobody might even understand except you) will help you become that person.Ā No matter what the world says, despite what anyone else thinks, you were made for a reason. Listen to the inner voice, follow your passion and eventually- even if it’s not in your lifetime (think Frida Kahlo, Vincent Van Gogh or even Ann Dunham) your purpose shall be manifested.Ā x MCĀ 


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