WE BACK!šŸ˜„ Finding Purpose and direction in life
Purpose and Direction in life
Hey I missed you! Step right in let's catch up...

Hello Chique people! We are back and talking about finding purpose and direction in life. For me it has resulted in the conclusion that You Are Enough!

Purpose and direction in life
The Purpose Journal is back too- tap photo!

It feels so good to be back here writing to you guys again after SO long! How have you been keeping? So much time has passed since I last wrote on my blog and I’m so happy to be back. If you’ve been keeping up with me on socials @Metiyachique you’ll know that I’ve been all over the place! Chasing sunshine and sandy beaches from Madeira to Jamaica, and many other places in between. The best part of this hiatus has been the production of the physical hardcopy of my book – ‘You Are Enough’ – a Purpose Journal that was first released as an e-book in digital format last year, but is now available in A4 hardcopy for those of us who prefer to reflect on pen and paper! So for anyone seeking purpose and direction in life – I highly recommend checking out the book.

How this blog will help you with purpose and direction in life

Now the main message of this post and what you’ll probably find in future posts on this blog is that your life matters. Right now – YOUR LIFE MATTERS. And this is why I’m obsessed with talking to as many people as possible about purpose and finding the inner light and gifts we have all been blessed with. Now, many things have stayed the same but one unfortunate thing since my last post is that we have lost people in that time. Some people we know, have heard of, listened to, or watched on TV have died and are no longer with us. And it reminds us that as much as the world argues about theology, religion, politics, science or philosophy, one fact that we cannot escape is the certainty of death.

So if you are here for a short time and afterwards you die, what does it mean? How should you spend this time you have on earth breathing and living and loving? Surely we should be all living to the best of our ability, loving others and serving our communities so that we are fulfilled when our time comes right. Well I think exactly this! Our life’s education should be about finding your individual purpose and direction in life. I believe that you are here for a reason, it’s not an accident or coincidence that there is only one YOU in the world – your life maters because it can never be replicated and you can never be duplicated!

As this is my first post back I would like to give you a taste of what’s to come in the future. I hope we can go on this journey of finding purpose together and really take back control of the direction of our lives. It’s so important you are kind and compassionate to yourself because even though life is short, it’s not a race, and we can really choose the pace we want to live it. So what can you expect for the future? Well we are glowing and growing from the inside out! Meaning more posts from me on recognising your gifts, believing in yourself and taking time the time you need to heal. Let us be great because we only have one life to do so!

Of course I’ll continue with the beauty, hair and makeup tips that we all enjoy, as well as health and fitness lessons I’ve learnt along the way and anything else you feel would bring some value – just type it in the comments below. Make sure you stay tuned and subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of the page not to miss out on anything! God bless you x

Love and light x


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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Deidrea

    Love it! Thank you Miss Chique!šŸŒ»

    1. Metiya

      Thank you Miss Dee šŸ™‚ appreciate you reading!

  2. Catherine

    Thanks so much just what I needed.

    1. Metiya

      aww thank you so much for reading x You’re the best!

  3. Roberta

    What an uplifting message! ā€œI cannot be replicated or duplicated ā€¦ my new mantraā€ šŸ™‚

    1. Metiya

      Aw thank you so much for reading darling!aha yes that is THE mantra!!!

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