I would like you to remember too, that whatever you are going through, no matter how painful or difficult, it's all working together for your good. Every single thing is teaching you something that will utilise you with the tools - mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually that will enable you to achieve your destiny. Even as simple as one day helping someone going through a similar experience...








Playsuit: Topshop | Shirt: My brother’s | Sunglasses : Ray Ban

I haven’t posted in a while as I delibarately decided to spend some time reflecting. My birthday is coming up soon, and every year I like to take some time to review the year I have had; the highs, lows, the mistakes and most importantly, the lessons. This year has been incredible in every sense of the word. I look back at the challenges that have come my way with immense gratitude. As difficult as those times were, I can now look back on them with appreciation because I realise that they have been important milestones in my development and understanding of life.

I was riding down a long country road the other day, when I realised that everything I consider a mistake or failure has benefited me in some way along the line. EVERY single thing I felt some shame about or like a failure for, has given me something that has enriched my life experience. For example; I always wanted to be a doctor growing up, I studied medical sciences and the first year of medicine with the idea that I would continue on. Then I realised I didn’t want to become a doctor. I wanted to help people but in a different way, so I changed courses halfway through and ended up somewhere completely different. I always felt like studying medical sciences was such a waste of time and that I could have gone straight into what I believed was better suited to me. But the other day it’s like I realised that medical sciences was exactly the right decision for me. I tend to get bored quickly and I need several things to keep me feeling alive, what better complicated and vast and challenging course could I have done that captivated me as medicine did? Nothing. It was exactly the right thing for me, even though it’s not where I ended up.

All of that to say, I appreciate the journey. I have a rough idea of where I would like to end up and might draw several maps to get there but ultimately the lows, the valleys and the little victories along the journey are what make it worthwhile. Learning to trust the process and to fully accept that everything in life is either a blessing or a lesson provides me a wonderful peace of mind. Now I know that even when I am going through difficult times and trials, I will come out better, stronger and much more enriched at the end of it.

I would like you to remember too, that whatever you are going through, no matter how painful or difficult, it’s all working together for your good. Every single thing is teaching you something that will equip you with the tools – mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually to achieve your destiny. It could be as simple helping someone going through a similar experience in the future but it’s all a valuable part and experience of life.

So let us be content, worry less and believe that everything will work out somehow. Fear gets in the way of so many things, but looking at my mistakes as lessons really allows me to live everyday fearless. I intend on enjoying every part of my journey and I sincerely hope you join me in making the most of it this year. X MC

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sarah

    What a great reminder that life is a journey and not a destination. I sometimes have an issue remembering this and it’s nice to be reminded from time to time! I think that your photos are very nice and you’re like DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! Keep up the positive attitude! It’s contagious! XOXO!!!

    1. Metiyachique

      Hi Sarah, you’re so kind thank you so much! I know it’s so easy to get caught up in the everyday but if we remember to stay in the moment, we will be just fine! Light and love šŸ™‚ xxx

    1. Metiyachique

      Hey Eva, thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it x

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